A timely piece. I've found myself getting into worse habits of late and have just started the Tiny Habits 5-day programme. It's worth exploring if you haven't come across it. BJ Fogg knows a thing or two about behaviour and his deceptively simple model is very clever.
As for your exploration, it seems you're talking about the forces of extrinsic change and how we adapt or respond to them -- as opposed to how we change our own 'internal' habits. Is that the right distinction? So more about people's resilience and adaptability in the face of accelerating change. Have come across a bunch of references to the Adaptability Quotient of late which you've probably also seen. A very interesting space and certainly shaping up to be a future super-power.
A timely piece. I've found myself getting into worse habits of late and have just started the Tiny Habits 5-day programme. It's worth exploring if you haven't come across it. BJ Fogg knows a thing or two about behaviour and his deceptively simple model is very clever.
As for your exploration, it seems you're talking about the forces of extrinsic change and how we adapt or respond to them -- as opposed to how we change our own 'internal' habits. Is that the right distinction? So more about people's resilience and adaptability in the face of accelerating change. Have come across a bunch of references to the Adaptability Quotient of late which you've probably also seen. A very interesting space and certainly shaping up to be a future super-power.